Swim class renewal details
Full renewal details (Start/Finish dates/Term length/Fees due/Date exceptions/Final payment date are listed for each day below.
Please note that classes unpaid after the Final payment date will be offered to new children on a sales day
Last renewal payment date Sat 7th Dec for all classes
New term starts Sat 4th January until Sat 5th April 14 weeks Fee: €115.50
New term starts Mon 6th January until Mon 31st March 11 weeks Fees: €90.75/€99 7pm class
No Classes Mon 3rd Feb/Mon 17th March
New term starts Tues 7th January until Tues 1st April 13 weeks Fees: €107.25
New term starts Wed 8th January until Weds 2nd April 13 weeks Fees: €107.25
New term starts Thurs 9th January until Thurs 3rd April 13 weeks Fees: €107.25/€117 7pm class
New term starts Fri 10th January until Fri 4th April 13 weeks Fees: €107.25
Saturday Evening
New term starts Sat 4th Jan until Sat 5th April 11 weeks Fees: €107.25 (Members €90.75)
No Classes Sat 1st Feb/Sat 15th March
Payments can be made by
1. Online Payment…click Pay Now button for details
2. Calling 01 8214 549
3. In person at Reception